Dunno I agree a tiny itty bitty bit, but think that was way to much stress on "Woman" don't know anyone that stuck on a word.

Thought I would say something since no one else has.

What you other ladies think? I think it was a bit too much, with out knowing her and her political stance, is she a femanazi or just a particular point she was making? From the title it says how to get more women in tech, so not sure that is the way IMO, it is more on the family and support of the "girl" when a child at home, and the schooling they get to get there. Not the title Girl or Woman or lady, ladies. When a speaker enters our classroom, all but one of us is a girl, they usually say ladies and gentlemen. Never heard them say come on girls, they are usually ladies and gentlemen, put your phones away or remove the things from your desk for the exam. I really don't think this is the issue of this one word I think it is the context and the attitude of the delivery from whom ever is speaking mainly.